Research Highlights

Nuclear Astrophysics

The Dense Matter Equation of State Is Important… Just Not for This Reason

The dense matter equation of state is required to describe matter at ultrahigh densities. Its elucidation is one of the primary goals of nuclear astrophysics. Neutron stars cooling off after siphoning gas from a binary companion for months or longer, so called cooling transients, are one available probe to constrain the dense matter equation of state. Models calculating the cooling of the crust (the lattice of ions making up the outer kilometer of the neutron star) can be compared with cooling transient observations for such constraints. However, one lurking issue was that the pressure (depth) at which the crust transitioned to the core (the uniform, possibly exotic, matter comprising the bulk of the neutron star) is linked to the dense matter equation of state and was thought to influence model results for crust cooling. This would severely complicate model-observation comparisons for cooling transient systems. In this work, led by Ohio University graduate student Sudhanva Lalit, we show that the crust-core transition pressure does not significantly alter model calculation results for cooling transients, thereby simplifying the associated model-observation comparisons.

The full work, published in the the Astrophysical Journal, can be accessed here.
Model calculation details can be accessed here.

Theoretical Physics